

理工学部/建築・環境学部教養学会では、2015年4月30日に理科系学生のための英語(+日本語)の講演会「パブロフの犬」(講師:理工学部数理・物理コース 北村美一郎先生)を実施しました。



Q1: I think both the smell of food and the smell of a wolf can be unconditioned stimuli for dogs. My question is in which case conditioning is easier? Good things or bad things?

Q2: Suppose that a person’s shout was used as a conditioned stimulus and that the dogs showed the conditioned response accordingly. Then, what would happen if another person whom the dogs haven’t seen at all gave the same shout to the same dogs? Will the dogs show the same conditioned response?

Q3: I understand dogs show salivation as a conditioned response.  My question is “Do cats show salivation as a conditioned response as well?”
Q4: How many dogs did Pavlov use for his experiments? I wonder if he found the same conditioned response in all his dogs?


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