
[理工学部、建築・環境学部教養学会第28回ミニ講演会] (理科系学生のための公開英語講演会)Capillary Pump: Expertise for Heat Transfer『キャピラリーポンプ』

                 Capillary Pump: Expertise for Heat Transfer

                                  講師: 理工学部理工学科、総合機械コース
                                                 辻森 淳

2019年 5月27日(月)開催

Q. I learned from the text that capillary action is the ability of a liquid to flow in a narrow space without the assistance of external forces like gravity. My question is if it is possible for the liquid to flow in a wide space by capillary action. Also, if it is possible, how wide can the space be?

Q. My question is what exactly the principle is which causes capillary action and why the liquid can flow automatically.

Q. When we put the hose in a puddle while the hose was full of water, the water was drained from the puddle through the hose. Was this due to capillary action?

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