
[共通科目]第17回理工学部、建築・環境学部教養学会主催「理系学生のための英語ミニ講演会」(公開)English Lecture Meetings for Science-Major Students “Pavlov’s Dogs:What Does Animal Behavior Teach Us?”

               English Lecture Meetings for Science-Major Students
                         Pavlov’s Dogs:
                   What Does Animal Behavior Teach Us?

                                               北村 美一郎 先生 


Q. What is the essential difference between conditioned response and memory?
Q. About how long does it take for an animal to learn a conditioned response?
Q. Contrary to what Pavlov tried to do, is it possible to condition dogs so that they do not salivate even in the presence of food or its smell?
Q. It turned out in 2006 that even cockroaches show conditioned response. Professor Kitamura, do you think that all the creatures show conditioned response?
Q. I would like to know what happens to a conditioned response after it is learned by animals: will it disappear as time passes, or will it be observed indefinitely?
Q. Can we remove animals’ habits that they acquired as a result of classical conditioning?
Q. What happens if the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly applied to an animal on which conditioned reflex is already established without the offer of unconditioned stimulus; in other words, what happens to Pavlov’s dogs if they keep listening to the metronome without the chance of being given food?
Q. How did Pavlov and his assistants specifically measure the saliva production by their canine subjects? What kind of tool was used to take their saliva?
Q. Are the likes and the dislikes for food in the case of humans due to taste aversion?


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